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Astro is a learner's paradise!

Astro is a learnerā€™s paradise!

My most recent experiment was to render two identical components, one counter/button written in React (which I know) and one written in Svelte (which I do not know) on the same page. This was originally going to be a post comparing the two, and that post will happen.

But, while doing my end-of-the-month photo organizing, I finally got around to listening to Fred being interviewed on about Astroā€¦ and THATā€™s when it really clicked for me that Astro is the reason I can so easily play around with these various front-end tools, languages and frameworks as a learner.

When I set out to try writing a Svelte component, it didnā€™t even occur to me to go to CodeSandbox and find a Svelte template (which is absolutely what I would have otherwise had to do). Admittedly, I did have to go into my Astro config file and add a Svelte renderer, but Astroā€™s error message was helpful in pointing that out when I was initially unsuccessful in rendering my Svelte counter.

There was zero start-up cost to write my first Svelte component, and Fred explains why (at 36:02):

ā€œā€¦youā€™ve heard about this new framework, we are a great way to try it out. In any other project, you have to make a bet, this whole thing is gonna be React, and then thatā€™s your project. Astroā€™s one of the only ways you can ā€¦ try it out, this one component. If you donā€™t like it, pull it out! No big deal! You didnā€™t just have to re-architect your entire project because you wanted to try a new frameworkā€¦ itā€™s certainly a great thing for experimentation. Thereā€™s no cost to me to bring in a new framework, and that framework doesnā€™t actually break everything else that Iā€™ve done.ā€

Here are a couple of other quotations from the interview hosts that I found noteworthy enough to transcribe (before I realized that a transcription was available on their website, of course. SMRT.)

ā€œThereā€™s a lot to be said, if you do web development for a living, being able to play with different components and interject them directly into your blog posts. Itā€™s like, ā€˜Hey, hereā€™s this really cool vue component, and the thing that it does!ā€ without really having to think about your architecture. Thatā€™s super powerful.ā€™ā€

ā€œJust the idea that this can be expanded in the future, so if React falls out of vogue and thereā€™s some new, better thing that comes along, we can jump on that ship and incrementally migrate with little to no cost.ā€

So, eventually Iā€™ll get around to writing the post to accompany the process of creating my React and Svelte counter buttons in the same page experiment, but for now, I thought it was noteworthy to discuss why that is such a big deal in the first place:

I didnā€™t have to go to CodeSandbox and look for a Svelte template, or find something to fork on GitHub.

I didnā€™t have to spin up anything new/different. I just literally added a new component, with a different file extension, into my already-existing, already-working blog.

I could LEARN Svelte through Astro, if I wanted to.

This isnā€™t just a ā€œwrite in what you feel comfortable inā€ tool. This thing Iā€™m learning is itself a learning tool, and code playground, all wrapped into my plain old website!

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