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Developing Astro with Gitpod

I spend much of my day making sure people can get started and build with Astro. I am regularly working in several Astro websites: this personal site, Astro Docs, Astro Docs Docsā€¦

Even though I wrote a tutorial that includes instructions on setting up and using VS Code for your first Astro project, I donā€™t actually have a local code editor installed on any machine I use!

Instead, all of my development is done in the cloud, through Gitpod.

Cloud environments arenā€™t new. I learned web development, and built my first projects entirely in Scrimbaā€™s online platform. My React birding app was built in Replit. My first Astro websites were built and maintained entirely on CodeSandbox. Astro regularly encourages our community members to create minimal reproductions of their issues on StackBlitz to share with the team. During our weekly ā€œTalking and Docā€™ingā€ events in the Astro Discord, we often have several members jump into a shared GitHub Codespace to work on a project in real-time together.

But, Gitpod was the first full cloud developer environment that could entirely support a full workflow. I can install the Astro VS Code extension, configure start-up scripts, commit back to GitHub or, if I realize Iā€™ve made a horrible mistake, just close the tab and start fresh again with a new workspace. Itā€™s now what I use every day, both personally and professionally, to maintain all the Astro sites I work on.

Although you can open any of Astroā€™s official starter templates in a few different cloud environments at, the best way to get started with a new Astro project in Gitpod is to start from an existing repository of your own. Use the instructions below every time you want to make a new Astro (or Starlight) website!

Starting a new Astro project

  1. Create a new, blank repository on GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket.

  2. Open that new repository in Gitpod using one of the following methods:

    • install Gitpodā€™s browser extension or Gitpodā€™s browser bookmarklet to add an ā€œOpen in Gitpodā€ button right on your GitHub/GitLab repository page!

    • prefix your GitHub repositoryā€™s full URL with and enter that URL into a browser window (e.g.

  3. When your repository finishes opening in Gitpodā€™s editor, type npm create astro@latest in the terminal window to launch the Astro CLI wizard which will guide you through setting up a new project.

    (Want to start your project from an existing Astro theme or template? You can use the template flag as shown in Astro docs. For example, to open a new Starlight project, type npm create astro@latest -- --template starlight)

  4. Follow the instructions and when asked where to install the project, type ./ (Do not add a folder name. This will create your project at the root of your repository.)

  5. The final set of instructions will tell you to start the dev server with the command npm run dev. Your workspace is now ready for coding!

  6. Add a .gitpod.yml file to the root of your project to automatically run commands every time you re-open your Astro project. My file installs dependencies, starts the dev server and opens a preview of my site in another browser tab:

    - init: npm install
    command: npm run dev
    - port: 4321
    onOpen: open-browser
  7. After working on your site, you can commit your changes to local version control, and eventually back to your source repository (or throw them away!) via the Source Control menu item in the left navigation.

    Any changes you make are saved to this ā€œWorkspaceā€ which is a particular instance of your repository. This workspace will save its own state, even between starting/stopping the workspace, but will only push back to your online source code when you choose to commit and sync.

    To work on this version of your code, re-open the workspace. To go back and start fresh from source again, re-open your repository from one of the two earlier methods.

    If you donā€™t like what you did in a particular workspace, then just delete (or ignore) the workspace! Unused workspaces will automatically delete after 14 days of inactivity via Gitpodā€™s Garbage Collection.

Working on existing projects

Of course, most of my time is spent working on existing projects. With my Gitpod browser extension, I am just one click away from opening any branch of any repository. I use this to:

  • Work on my personal websites

  • Contribute to Astro Docs, knowning that my ā€œforkā€ is never behind or out of date

  • Edit Pull Requests to the Astro Docs, because I can open up any PR branch and work in my full editing environment

Work on any machine

In fact, this very article was started on a desktop machine in my office while my partner was making espresso in the kitchen. When he was ready to sit with morning espresso in front of the television for our morning routine, I opened the same Gitpod workspace on my laptop on the couch and kept writing.

I hadnā€™t even committed my earlier work: Gitpodā€™s workspaces hold everything in memory so that I can pick up on a different machine at a momentā€™s notice and never lose a keystroke. (This was quite handy when my 7 year-old Chromebook was prone to random freezing, and Iā€™d need to jump to a different device to keep working.)

Iā€™m now back at my desk, finishing off this post.

So, I could install VS Code locally, I guess. But, why would I? My setup is identical, and instantaneous, on any device and in any room of the house. I have even travelled for two weeks with only an Android tablet and continued to work on Astro docs on the road that way.

Itā€™s never ā€œworks on my machineā€ with me, because in fact, it never is my machine! With Gitpod as my only development environment, it just ā€œworks.ā€

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Ā© 2021 - 2024 Sarah Rainsberger. Except where otherwise noted, and/or quoting external sources, the content of this site is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0